Know The Basic Differences Between Virgin Hair and Raw Hair

Virgin hair and raw Indian hair are the finest quality of hair in the market. Many people often get confused between the two. Some of them mix the terms with each other. If you have not yet found the difference between two of them, then this article is for you. 

How Raw Hair is different from Virgin Hair? 

  • Virgin hair and raw hair are often used interchangeably but there is a huge difference between both of them. The common factor about both of them is that they are human hair. But raw hair is actually the hair that is purely unchanged. Virgin hair derives its original texture through the process of steaming whereas the raw hair is not entitled to either steaming or processing. To simply put, raw hair is not prone to any chemical treatment. Common practice related to raw hair is that it is obtained from a single donor, then it is brushed off and delivered at your doorsteps.
  •  Interestingly, raw hair does not make appearance in a variety of textures. It is confined to curly, wavy as well as straight hair. The reason is quite obvious. As raw hair remains chemically unaltered and unprocessed. Let’s keep it simple. Raw hair is not available in other variety such as deep wave or body wave.
  • Another fascinating fact about raw hair is that they require more care and nourishment as compared to virgin care. If you’re using raw hair, you've to keep a few essentials in mind. You've carefully choose the hair care products that you’ll be applying on your raw hair as there are certain products that don’t go along with the raw Indian hair. On the other hand, there is no such specific requirement in the case of virgin hair. You can use any hair care products as the pattern and texture of this type of hair shall remain intact. 
  • With a high quality, comes a heavy price to pay. With a plenty number of hair vendors in India selling a specific quality of raw hair, it makes the raw hair more  costlier in comparison to virgin hair. In the market, the vendors are offering a single bundle comprising of shorter hair length for $ 200. It is not like that the virgin hair is cheap. You also have to pay a high price to get the best quality of virgin hair. But, you can always find good quality bundles at reasonable prices. It is not so in raw hair. To have the top-notch quality of raw hair, you will have to loosen your pockets.
  • One of the major distinctions between two of them is the availability factor. While virgin hair is widely used and available, raw hair does not come as extensively. There’re many hair vendors in India out there who are always running short of raw hair. You never know but you may have to wait for another month to get the perfect hair look with the raw hair.
  • You've ample choices when it comes to virgin hair. Virgin hair comes in a variety of texture as well as origin. Whereas raw hair adheres to merely a few textures and only one origin. If you want hair textures besides the usual ones, then virgin hair is a better choice.

Now, you've learnt the basic differences between the two major types of hair. Next time, you hear someone mixing virgin hair with  raw hair, immediately acquaint them with the differences.

A Quick Summary:
  • Raw hair is more expensive and demands a certain level of maintenance. You can’t simply use any hair care products on them.
  • Raw hair comes up in three textures while virgin hair offers you a wide range of choices.
  • For more variety, you can go with virgin hair. But if you want to experiment with more styling, raw hair is a good option!
