Do’s & Don’ts To Keep In Mind Before Colouring Your Hair Locks

Highlighting or colouring your own hair definitely sounds a lot of fun! But hair is one such thing that you can not experiment with. A simple change in hairstyle can drastically transform your overall looks. Are you planning to colour your virgin Indian human hair by yourself? But, are you familiar with the Do’s and Don’ts before you start painting yourself red, pink or blue? Well, don’t worry! We’re here to help you out.  
Here’re the important tips that you have no option but better to keep in mind before you start with your hair colouring:

Tip 1: Stick to Demi or Semi-Permanent Colour:
With hair extensions, you enjoy a certain degree of flexibility. Paint them, style them and flaunt them in a way you like. Try not to go for permanent colors otherwise when you’ll get bored with your color choice, you won’t have any other options besides buying a new Virgin indian human hair extension from Virgin remy Indian Hair supplier . It is better to opt for semi or demi permanent colour that wash away within a few weeks. Even the hair stylists prefer semi-permanent hair color as they do not interfere with hair cuticles.

Tip 2: Analyse Your Skin Tone And Then Choose The Colour:
Initially analyse your skin tone and then opt for the hair colour that complements it. Yes, I’m not mocking! Choose your hair colour the way you choose the shade of your lipstick. Are you unable to figure out the ideal colour for your pale skin? Well, I would recommend you to for light hair shades. On the other hand, if are looking for a hair colour for your dark skin, then go for ashy shades. There are many bold and pastel colours that flawlessly match with any skin type. You can opt for any colour that you feel would go aptly.

Tip 3: Moisturize your hair well:
Ensure that before you jump onto colouring, your hair is properly moisturized from top to bottom.  Grab a mild shampoo and conditioner to moisturize your natural hair and hair extensions. To keep a safe distance from damage or shedding, use a moisture mask on a weekly basis. As far as possible, try to avoid using heating equipments.

Tip 4: Say ‘no’ to over the counter products
It is advisable that you seek expert assistance when you switch to bleaching. Remember that you certain risks are worth taking. Always ensure that you don’t start coloring your hair with over the counter products.

Tip 5: Over washing can damage your hair
Washing your hair once or twice a week is absolutely okay but don’t go beyond that. Your hair tends to dry out and the color too fades away if you’ll wash your hair on a frequent basis. At the same time, ensure that your hair stays hydrated.

Tip 6: Last but the most important one: Don’t take the coloring in your own hands:
Hair is an integral part of your body. Any mistake on your part can change the overall appearance of your personality. No matter how exciting and fun it may sound to color your own hair, but dare not do it by yourself. Virgin remy Indian Hair supplier is the one who can help you out! Approach an experienced hairstylist and tell him about your requirements and preferences.  Get inputs from him and together decide on a common colour which he won’t  mind painting and you won’t mind flaunting.

Take proper care of your hair and make your world a little more colourful. Settle for a hair colour that complements your skin tone and enhances your overall looks. All the best! Let the colours find their way to your life.

Feel free to connect with us in case of any query or suggestion!

More Info: Adorablehairsuppliers
